Saturday, September 11, 2010

How do we measure a teacher's effectiveness? Dr. Ries 9-12-10

Many policymakers have recently come to believe that the way to truly measure a teacher's effectiveness is to measure the improvement in students' scores on standardized tests in mathematic and reading.   These policymakers feel that these test scores (showing improvement or lack of same) can then be relied upon heavily when it comes to evaluating, rewarding and/or removing the teachers of the tested students.   This approach to teacher evaluation is called "value-added modeling" VAM and is being advocated by many state legislators as well as "gurus" in the field of education.   On the other hand, there are those who maintain that test scores alone are not suffiiciently reliable and valid indicators of teacher effectiveness and should not be used for high-stakes personnel decisions.    Do you believe that the use of student test scores can help identify more or less effective teachers?   What camp are you in with regard to this issue?  Why do you take this position?

In addition, what do you consider to be some of the characteristics of "an effective teacher?"   What is the final determination of effectiveness in the your opinion?    Dr. Ries